July 19th, 2017

DCS Q&A With Matt Wagner

First of all my appologies for not having kept the news page up to date in the past weeks. I'll make sure I reserve more of my spare time to do so from now on ... I think :P

SideStrafe has done a Q&A with Matt (Wags) Wagner about the future of DCS.



March 17th, 2017

DCS Normandy Map Live Stream - March 18th, 1600 GMT

After having had to postpone the live stream twice, Matt (Wags) Wagner will finaly do the Normandy map livestream tomorrow.

Lot's of community questions gathered over the past days will be answered during the stream.

This will be done from his Youtube channel:



March 17th, 2017

ArmA 3 update 1.68 available

Bohemia Interactive has released version 1.68 into the stable branch of ArmA 3.
Probably the biggest change this update brings to the table is the 64-bit version, which should allow for a smoother gameplay experience. Testing done by us in the release candidate did indeed appear to give better overall performance.

Please note that some mods might not be compatible with the 64-bit client (ShackTac Fireteam HUD for example).

The client can still be run in 32-bit if one so desires.

Complete changelog:



March 15th, 2017

New DCS F-14 video by Heatblur Simulations

Heatblur released a short new video today showing the F-14 in a dogfight. While the module is scheduled for release in 2017, it's clearly still work in progress.

The slow update of the HUD however (apart from elements like the gun cross and tracking diamond) is accurate, as per the real Tomcat.



March 14th, 2017

112th Night Stalkers web site going live.

The squadron site and forum are currently under construction and should be operational quite soon.

If you can read this, it means the DNS replication has been completed, and I can start work on the forums.



March 10th, 2017

DCS: Normandy 1944 Map and DCS: World War II Assets Pack available for pre-purchase.

Eagle Dynamics announced the start of the pre-purchase period for the DCS Normandy 1944 map. The map will include airfield in both Normany and the South of England, and will measure 267x348 kilometers.

A lot of people in the community, and myself have reservations about them splitting the map and assets into two packs though. Meaning: if you only buy the map you will not have access to the WWII units such as armor from that are, AI aircraft such as the B-17, ...
So basically it would be rather pointless to buy the map alone, unless you want to fly over 1945 Normandy in the UH-1H to do some ... sight seeing ...

However, all in all the map is looking quite promising. The pre-purchase includes a 20% discount bringing the map and assets pack bundle to $47.99.

Release is scheduled for end of May 2017





112th VFS - Night Stalkers